Jay Johnson, Dr. Richard Hansen SAM Routines
Here are the first two phases of the Jay Johnson with Dr. Richard Hansen Strength And Mobility (SAM) routines. There are 5 levels available , but the other three (3,4,5) are a bit advances, and it's not likely we'll get to them over the summer. If you're curious, they're easy to find on YouTube.
Here is a youtube playlist that includes all the phases, as well as several other drills.

These drills below should be done after the running part of your workout, but start with Phase 1 Easy Day. We'll have other routines as well, but start with these.

        Islander Track Home Page

The easy day routines are designed to be done after an easy day such as a base run or recovery run.

SAM Phase 1 Easy Day
Core Strength
    Prone Plank x 10 Seconds
    Side Plank x 10 seconds each side
    Prone Plank x 10 Seconds
Hip Strength
    Double Hip Bridge x 6
    Clams x 6
    Reverse Clams x 6
    Lateral Leg Raise x 6 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
    Donkey Kicks x 8
    Donkey Whips x 8
    Fire Hydrants x 8
    Knee Circles Forward x 8
    Knee Circles Backward x 8
    Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles

SAM Phase 2 Easy Day
Core Strength
    Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
    Side Plank x 20 Seconds
    Supine Plank x 10 Seconds
    Side Plank x 20 Seconds
    Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
Hip Strength
    Single Leg Bridge x 8
    Clams x 8
    Reverse Clams x 8
    Lateral Leg Raise x 8 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
    Donkey Kicks x 8
    Donkey Whips x 8
    Fire Hydrants x 8
    Knee Circles Forward x 8
    Knee Circles Backward x 8
    Lower Body Crawl x 10
    Iron Cross x 10
    Australian Craw x 10
    Iron Cross x 10
    Groiners x 10
    Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles


The hard day routines are designed to be done after a harder day such as a progression run, reps, or intervals.

SAM Phase 1 Hard Day
Core Strength
    Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
    Side Plank x 20 seconds each side
    Supine Plank x 10 Seconds
    Side Plank x 20 Seconds
    Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
Hip Strength
    Split Squat x 5 Each Leg
    Side Walk Squat x 5 Each Leg
    Good Morning x 8
    Bird Dog x 5
    Clams x 8
    Reverse Clams x 8
    Reverse Air Clams x 8
    Lateral Leg Raise x 6 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
    Donkey Kicks x 8
    Donkey Whips x 8
    Fire Hydrants x 8
    Knee Circles Forward x 8
    Knee Circles Backward x 8
    Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles

SAM Phase 2 Hard Day
Skipping and Dynamics
Skip Forward for 30 meters
Skip Side to Side for 30 meters
    Lateral Shuffle x 10 each direction
    Forward Walking Lungh x5 Each Side
    Wide Outs x 10
    Mountain Climbers Singles In x 10
    Lateral Lunge x 10
    Wave Lunge x 10
Core Strength
    Prone Plank x 25 Seconds
    Supine Plank x 25 Seconds
    Prone Plank x 25 Seconds
    V-Sit x 10 Seconds
    Superman x 10
    V-Sit x 10 Seconds
Hip Strength
    Split Squat x 5 Each Leg
    Side Walk Squat x 5 Each Leg
    Good Morning x 8
    Bird Dog x 5
    Clams x 8
    Reverse Clams x 8
    Reverse Air Clams x 8
    Lateral Leg Raise x 8 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
    Donkey Kicks x 8
    Donkey Whips x 8
    Fire Hydrants x 8
    Knee Circles Forward x 8
    Knee Circles Backward x 8
    Lower Body Crawl x 10
    Iron Cross x 10
    Australian Craw x 10
    Iron Cross x 10
    Groiners x 10
    Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles