The easy day routines are designed to be done after an easy day such as a base run or recovery run.
SAM Phase 1 Easy Day
Core Strength
Prone Plank x 10 Seconds
Side Plank x 10 seconds each side
Prone Plank x 10 Seconds
Hip Strength
Double Hip Bridge x 6
Clams x 6
Reverse Clams x 6
Lateral Leg Raise x 6 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
Donkey Kicks x 8
Donkey Whips x 8
Fire Hydrants x 8
Knee Circles Forward x 8
Knee Circles Backward x 8
Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles
SAM Phase 2 Easy Day
Core Strength
Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
Side Plank x 20 Seconds
Supine Plank x 10 Seconds
Side Plank x 20 Seconds
Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
Hip Strength
Single Leg Bridge x 8
Clams x 8
Reverse Clams x 8
Lateral Leg Raise x 8 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
Donkey Kicks x 8
Donkey Whips x 8
Fire Hydrants x 8
Knee Circles Forward x 8
Knee Circles Backward x 8
Lower Body Crawl x 10
Iron Cross x 10
Australian Craw x 10
Iron Cross x 10
Groiners x 10
Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles
The hard day routines are designed to be done after a harder day such as a progression run, reps, or intervals.
SAM Phase 1 Hard Day
Core Strength
Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
Side Plank x 20 seconds each side
Supine Plank x 10 Seconds
Side Plank x 20 Seconds
Prone Plank x 20 Seconds
Hip Strength
Split Squat x 5 Each Leg
Side Walk Squat x 5 Each Leg
Good Morning x 8
Bird Dog x 5
Clams x 8
Reverse Clams x 8
Reverse Air Clams x 8
Lateral Leg Raise x 6 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
Donkey Kicks x 8
Donkey Whips x 8
Fire Hydrants x 8
Knee Circles Forward x 8
Knee Circles Backward x 8
Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles
SAM Phase 2 Hard Day
Skipping and Dynamics
Skip Forward for 30 meters
Skip Side to Side for 30 meters
Lateral Shuffle x 10 each direction
Forward Walking Lungh x5 Each Side
Wide Outs x 10
Mountain Climbers Singles In x 10
Lateral Lunge x 10
Wave Lunge x 10
Core Strength
Prone Plank x 25 Seconds
Supine Plank x 25 Seconds
Prone Plank x 25 Seconds
V-Sit x 10 Seconds
Superman x 10
V-Sit x 10 Seconds
Hip Strength
Split Squat x 5 Each Leg
Side Walk Squat x 5 Each Leg
Good Morning x 8
Bird Dog x 5
Clams x 8
Reverse Clams x 8
Reverse Air Clams x 8
Lateral Leg Raise x 8 : toe in, toe neutral, toe out
Hip Mobility
Donkey Kicks x 8
Donkey Whips x 8
Fire Hydrants x 8
Knee Circles Forward x 8
Knee Circles Backward x 8
Lower Body Crawl x 10
Iron Cross x 10
Australian Craw x 10
Iron Cross x 10
Groiners x 10
Cat-Cow x 5 Cycles